World Pool Championship

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Well done to Pierce Lynch who represented Ireland at the World Pool Championship held in Blackpool, England recently.  In the singles event, Pierce won...   Read More

Muintir na Tire School Garden Awards

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Congratulations to Rusheen N.S. who were awarded a Gold Medal and a Certificate of Excellence at the Muintir na Tire School Garden Awards held...   Read More

Pupils having performed Choral Verse

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1st & 2nd Class Dancing Display

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3rd & 4th Class Story-in-a-Box

School Tour

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On Wednesday 19th June, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th Class went on their school tour to Ballyhass Aqua Park, Coachford.  We arrived at 9.30a.m....   Read More

Green Day

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On Thursday 20th of June we raised our third Green Flag in Rusheen.  Katherine McCarthy raised the flag.  Katherine is a past pupil of...   Read More


General NewsComments Off on CHAMPIONS LEAGUE

This year we had our first ever Champions League.  The Champions League was organised by the School Committee. The four teams were Juventus, Liverpool,...   Read More


General NewsComments Off on SPORTS DAY

On Tuesday the 18th of June we had our Sports day up in Aghinagh G.A.A. pitch.  We had a three legged race, an obstacle...   Read More


General NewsComments Off on THE GARDEN JUDGES

On Wednesday the 12th of June the Garden Judges visited our garden in Rusheen N.S.  We took them on a tour and showed them...   Read More

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