Sciath na Scol West Muskerry Football Blitz

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The Sciath na Scol West Muskerry Football Blitz was held recently in Kilmichael Pitch, Annahalla.  Both our girls team and our boys team did...   Read More

3rd Class had lots of fun learning outdoors during the week

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First Holy Communion

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Rusheen N.S. had a gorgeous morning to celebrate our First Holy Communion on Saturday.  Thank you to Fr. Joe and Fr. Kelleher for a...   Read More

Nothing like some zumba and sunshine to brighten everyone’s day.  


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Rusheen N.S. pupils enjoyed a very informative talk by representatives from Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind recently.

Pupils demonstrating The ‘Dreoilín’

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The pupils had great fun learning and demonstrating the ‘Dreoilín’ for Seachtain na Gaeilge      

Tráth na Gceist

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Rang 3 – 6 enjoyed a tráth na gcesit during seachtain na gaeilge.

Confirmation Day

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Congratulations to all our pupils who received the Sacrament of Confirmation in St. John The Baptist Church, Ballinagree recently.

Rusheen N.S. Grandparents Day

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We celebrated our wonderful Grandparents recently as we held our very first Grandparents Day.  We had a special Mass in the Church and a...   Read More

World Book Day

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Rusheen N.S. pupils all dressed up to celebrate World Book Day

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