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On Wednesday the 8th of October, 5th and 6th Class harvested the vegetables in the school garden.  We picked carrots, potatoes, turnips, onions and...   Read More

Our Olympic Games!

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Last week we did some different Olympic Events in P.E.  We did events like discus throwing, javelin throwing, relay, shot putt, mini marathon, sprints...   Read More

Aghinagh U13 Mid Cork Champions

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Junior Infants 2021

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We welcome our seven Junior Infants who started in Rusheen N.S. in September, 2021

School Calendar 2021/2022

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 1ST TERM: Rusheen N.S. will re-open on Tuesday, August 31st 2021   October 2021 mid-term break Rusheen School will close from Monday 25th October...   Read More

Slán le Rang a Sé

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On Thursday, June 24th, Rusheen National School sadly bade farewell to our fabulous Rang VI pupils.  A socially distanced Graduation Ceremony was held in...   Read More

The Big Final

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On the 21st of June, the longest day of the year, our long-awaited final was played.  The first match was the 3rd and 4th...   Read More

5th & 6th Class Pupils busy on their last day in Rusheen N.S.

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5th & 6th Class Pupils were busy on their last day in Rusheen N.S. harvesting in the school garden and planting around our new...   Read More

Full attendance Certs

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Well done to all pupils who received a Full Attendance Cert.

3rd & 4th Class Art Work

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