- At the time, Father Kearney was the Parish Priest.
- He wrote many letters to local landlords asking for money to help the sick and poor.
- There are still two mass graves at Derryroe and Kilberrihert.
- Father Kearney eventually died of famine fever from helping the poor and sick.
- We use Pots from the soup kitchen in our school garden for herbs and flowers.
- There is a monument commemorating the famine at Ardoyne Crossroads.
- In 1841 the population around Rusheen was 1159.
- In 1851 the population was at 867, a decrease of about 25%.
- The landlord at Leeds House was Francis Woodley.
- The decrease in Kilberrihert was 56% but in Deelish it was about 8% a difference of 48%.
- The landlord in Deelish at the time was Mr. Hartlet.
- The landlord in Kilberrihert at the time was Mr. Radley
- The soup kitchen was up the road from the school.
This is a page from our project about the famine in Rusheen. It was researched by Robbie and Finn.