A few weeks ago children all around Ireland sent off shoe boxes to Tunisia, poor parts of Africa, Georgia and more of Eastern Europe. Over all, Ireland sent 270,000 shoeboxes out to other poorer countries. A huge 200,000 went to refugees.
We put items in the shoe boxes such as hats, socks, gloves, toothbrushes, toothpaste, sweets, little toys. You can pick your age group and the age groups are 2-4, 5-9 and 10-14, which give you a very nice range to choose an age group. When you see the pictures and videos of the children receiving their shoe boxes, it really does warm your heart. I would truly recommend it. It is great fun making and wrapping the shoe boxes, then sending them off. The amount of happiness it brings them is crazy. It’s the best time of year for them opening the boxes and seeing all their gifts.
By: Thomas Morgans
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