Rusheen N.S. had a most successful day at Scòr na bPàistì last Saturday in Ovens.
They won the Rince Foirne, dancing “Trip to the Cottage” and the Bailèad Ghrùpa, singing “On The Banks of The Foyle” & “Orò Sè do Bheatha Bhaile” . They also won the Lèiriù (Novelty Act) performing “The Famine”. They came second in the Sean Nòs and Rince Seit and third in the Scèalaìocht and Tràth na gCeist. Rusheen also performed very well in the Solo Figure Dancing, Solo Instrumental and Solo Singing. Aghinagh Football Quiz Team and Set and Figure Dancers also performed admirable on the day.
In addition to that, Rusheen N.S. won the “Denis O’Donovan Memorial Trophy” in recognition of the fact that they were the best primary school in the competition. Considering the large volume of entries and the high standard of competition, this was a fantastic achievement. Great credit is due to all the competitors but especially to all the coaches who helped them in any way.
Rusheen N.S. have now qualified for the County Final in all three events to be held on Saturday, March 3rd in Eire Òg GAA Pavillion, Ovens commencing at 1.30p.m.
Julian O’Ldeary receiving the Denis O’Donovan Memorial Trophy
from Marie O’Donovan for Best Overall School in Scòr na bPàistì
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