Scòr na bPàistì Muscraì Semi-Final was held in Inchigeela on Friday 26th of February. Rusheen N.S. competed in the Figure and Set Dancing and in the Solo Music. We got through to the Muskerry Final in the Figure and Set Dancing.
The next Muscrai Semi-Final was held on Saturday 27th of February in Coachfod. Rusheen competed in the figure and set dancing, solo singing, solo instrumental, balled group, instrumental group, novelty act, shean nòs dancing, recitation, quiz and solo dancing. We got through to the Muskerry Final in the set dancing, instrumental group, novelty act and shean nòs dancing.
In the Muskerry Final, the set came second and third respectively and the novelty act came first, qualifying for the County Final.
The Novelty Act then went on to come 2nd in the County Final.
Well done to everyone who participated.
By: Niamh White
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