On Tuesday the 20th of December, Rusheen N.S. had their Christmas show in Coachford Hall. Every classroom did a performance. It started at eight o clock but pupils had to be there a little earlier. In the back room, some parents had volunteered to facepaint the children.
First 5th and 6th opened the show singing some Beatles Songs. Then Juniors and Seniors acted out their show “Woopsy Daisy Angel”. Next out came 1st and 2nd class. They performed their show “The Night Before Christmas”.
After that it was 3rd and 4th classes turn. Their show was called “Around The World with Hans Christian Andersen”.
Finally, it was 5th and 6th classes turn to perform “Santa Goes To The Caribbean”.
It was a very enjoyable night.
By: Ell-Marie Kelleher
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