Thursday 22nd Jan.: Visit of Dr. Mary Stack for evaluation of Green School Flag Application.
Saturday 31st January: Credit Union Quiz in the Castle Hotel at 2.30p.m.
Monday 2nd February: Talk on Internet Safety for Parents by Community Garda, Orla Doyle, at 7.00 p.m. in the school.
Friday 6th February: Scor na bPàisti Semi-Final 7p.m. Inchigeela.
Sunday 8th February: Scor Na bPàistì Semi-Final 2p.m. Coachford
Thursday 19th & Friday 20th February: Mid-Term Break
Thursday 26th Feb.: Swimming Classes commence for 3rd & 4th Class
Wed. 11th February: Paddy O’Brien Story Teller will visit Rusheen N.S.
Sunday, 1st March: Muskerry Scor Final in Ovens at 2.00 p.m.
Friday 6th March: In-door Hurling Blitz
Monday 16th March: “The Apprentice Sorcerer” will be performed in the School by the West Midland Children’s Theatre Group.
Tuesday 17th March: St. Patrick’s Day
Friday 27th March: Easter Holidays