Rusheen N. S. has already earned two Green Flags, one for Litter and Waste and the other for Energy. For the last two years we have been looking at the theme of Water and how we can best use and conserve it inside and outside school. Our Green School Committee members include Mr. Coakley and Mr. Twomey, Jessie Murphy our SNA, and pupils Jack White, Lily O Shea, Jamie Kearney, Ben Hinchion and Lucy Hinchion. Past pupils Nora Kate O Leary, Shauna Lehane, Michael O Riordan and Sarah Cuddihy were on the committee last year.
We put together an Action Plan and some of the main points were:
On Friday March 8th we were visited by Collette Creedon, Energy & Climate Change, Environment Directorate, Cork County Council, to assess our application for our third Green Flag (Water). She interviewed the children on the committee and was very impressed with their level of knowledge about the steps we have taken to conserve water use in the school. She also visited all classrooms to find out about the work all classes did in relation to water. She saw art work and listened to Water Conservation songs. Again all our pupils did themselves proud. We will know in a few weeks if our application has been successful.
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